MiCOMho Agile P443, P445, P446
Distance Protection Systems
The MiCOMho Agile P443, P445 and P446 relays operate with advanced load blinding and disturbance detection techniques, such as power swing blocking, to ensure stability when no tripping is required. Whether protection is required for lines, cables or hybrids of grounded transmission and distribution circuits, the MiCOMho Agile P443, P445 and P446 relay characteristics allow for versatile deployment.
Key Features
Extremely versatile logic capabilities, managing leader-follower auto-reclosing and check synch schemes in dual breaker applications
Transmission-class circuit breaker failure protection for one or two breakers. The breaker failure protection may be initiated from internal protection within the relay or from external devices
Single-pole and 3-pole breaker operation is supported, with independent supervision and condition monitoring statistics for each pole
Trip circuit supervision, control and interlocking schemes can be designed via graphical support software
Transmission and distribution systems are essential for the safe, sure routing of power from generation sources to consumers. However, exposed overhead lines transporting power are by nature sometimes vulnerable and prone to fault. In the case of a faulty circuit, the Agile range provides speedy protection to trip and isolate it, thereby preventing further damage.
Each relay model contains multiple main protection elements: distance, delta directional comparison protection and directional earth/ground fault unit protection (DEF). This permits simplified application and spares holdings, because the relay can be adopted as the standard protection platform.
The MiCOMho Agile P443 and P445 are suitable for feeders controlled by a single circuit breaker. The MiCOMho Agile P446 is suitable for complex installations where feeders are controlled by two circuit breakers such as ring bus/mesh corner formations and the breaker-and-a-half configurations.
Key benefits:
P443 and P446: Sub-cycle fault clearance from 0.7 to 1 cycle
Simple set mode: The relay determines its own settings from protected line data
Power swing blocking without the need for setting
Integral teleprotection via a MODEM, fiber or MUX channel
Fast CB failure resetting (<3/4 cycle)
Phase-preference tripping for cross-country earth faults in Petersen/isolated systems (P443 version 78)

MiCOM Agile Px40 Brochure
MiCOMho Agile P443, P445 & P446